Get Yo! Payments!

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There are 3 simple steps to become a Yo! Payments account holder, as below:

  • Go to the Yo! Payments Website
  • Accept the Service Terms
  • Sign Up for an account.

Having completed the sign up process, you are ready to transact with your Yo! Payments account! Note that by default, after completing the signup process, a Personal Account shall be created for your use automatically. You may upgrade your account to a Business Account by uploading scanned copies of the following documents to your account using the “Upload Document” feature in your account. Below is the list of documents required:

  • Scanned Copy of your Business' Certificate of Incorporation or Equivalent Legal Document
  • Scanned Copy of a Proof-of-Address Document, in your Business' names. For example, you may upload a recent utility bill (Electricity or Water) or your Trading License, if it indicates the location of your premises
  • Scanned Copy of Company Form 7 Clearly showing list of Directors and their Address.
  • Signed letter on your company’s headed paper from the Managing Director authorizing use of the service (email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for draft)
  • If you require access to the API, a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for draft)
  • Brief Description of the Products and Services you intend to offer using the Business Account. For this, you may simply upload a PDF document with the information.

When done, send an email to the address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The subject of your email should be “Upgrade to Business Account”. Upgrade from a Personal Account to a Business Account takes no more than 1 business day.